Booking calendar
Casa Cielo Sereno

Look under to find free to book dates. If you wish, you can also make your booking and payments here using payment system of our partner Click Stay. Due to our less restrictive cancellation policy (see our cancellation policy in the "Terms and Conditions" section of our main menu) and friendlier rates, we recommend booking using our proprietary booking form and Stripe's secure payment templates.
Click Stay cancelation policy are:
35 - 70 days before arrival = deposit (25% of total booking fee) + 20% balance
21 - 34 days before arrival = deposit + 40% balance
7 - 20 days before arrival = deposit + 60% balance
0 - 6 days before arrival = deposit + 100% balance

You can also make a money transfer to our bank account. BIC/SWIFT: INGBNL2A IBAN: NL39INGB0004141121

You can pay securely using our billing system. The prices listed on this website under the "Price" tab apply. Before making the payment, do not forget to complete the reservation form.


  • +31 652579977, +48 222195848
  • Our bank: BIC/SWIFT: INGBNL2A
  • IBAN: NL39INGB0004141121

About us

Owner: Jaromir A, Czudowski,  Dr. Lelykade 96, 2583 CM, s'Gravenhage, The Netherlands,